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The Women’s Institute (WI) was formed in 1915 and has evolved to inspire and develop all communities of women across all aspects of their lives.


Longwick Evening WI has been in existence since 1963 .  We meet on the second Wednesday of each month in Longwick Village Hall at 7.30pm.  Our WI has a great range of interesting activities and events held throughout the year which includes providing Teas and Cakes for Longwick Village Fete.  We embrace many activities within Longwick and are an integral part of ‘what’s going on’ in our village.


At our monthly meetings we have a speaker giving us an insight to a whole myriad of subjects which provides much food for thought.  During our meeting we serve tea, coffee and biscuits at our ‘social time’.  Some of our other activities during the year include – our most enjoyable bookclub which meets monthly in members’ houses and introduces us to a range of books which otherwise we may not have read. We also have many outings during the year which range from visiting gardens, theatre trips, Christmas markets, to name but a few.  Recently, we have just started a Craft Group which seems to be going from strength to strength.  Part of this group made a beautiful wall-hanging of iconic Longwick buildings which is proudly displayed in our Village Hall (photo below).  Socially, we also enjoy a monthly coffee morning held in our local Red Lion Pub.  Other activities include a Play-Reading Group as well as a Discussion Group.  We continue to expand our repertoire according to our interests.


We would love you to join us. Please contact Janet 01844 347564 or Ruth 01844 342195 Your first visit will be free and we look forward to welcoming you into our circle of friends.’

A big thank you to those of our members who have made 43 laundry bags for the NHS heroes. These bags have been delivered to Stoke Mandeville hospital

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